The stability of LAP in mouse serum and tissue homogenates and octanol buffer partition coefficient of LAP were investigated by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography ( RP HPLC). RPHPLC测定其在正辛醇和磷酸盐缓冲液中的分配系数及不同pH缓冲液和组织匀浆中的稳定性。
Methods: Liquid-liquid partition, solid-phase separation extraction. silica-gel chromatography, Al2O3 chromatography and thin-layer chromatography were performed and compared for separation of paclitaxel. 采用液-液萃取、固相萃取、硅胶柱层析、氧化铝柱层析、薄层层析五种分离方法对紫杉醇进行了初分离。
Evaluation of the Octanol/ Water Partition Coefficient of Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Relative Specific Retention Volume of Gas Chromatography 利用气相色谱相对比保留体积估算芳烃的正辛醇/水分配系数
The Column Pressure's Effect on the Elution Curve of Gas-liquid Partition Chromatography 柱前压对气液分配色谱流出曲线的影响
Who assumed that there are two kinds of retention mechanism, i. e., exchange and partition in extraction chromatography. 提出的萃取色层两种滞留机制的理论,即离子交换与分配机制,提出不同的看法。
Application of Partition Chromatography in Gas Fired Boiler Efficiency Test 气相色谱法在燃气锅炉效率试验中的应用
When the stationary phase is a liquid or a solution partition mechanism governs the retention of reversed-phase paper chromatography just as in liquid-liquid extraction. 本文认为当固定相为液体或溶液时,反相纸层析与液液萃取一样属于分配机制。
Determination of six main components in compound theophylline tablet by convolution curve method after prior separation by column partition chromatography 褶合曲线分析法测定复方茶碱片中六种主要成分
Determination of Partition Coefficient of Benzene in Water and Its Content Using Phase Ratio Variation Method with Static Headspace Gas Chromatography 改变相比/顶空气相色谱法测定水中苯的分配常数及其含量
[ Methods] Based on the phase equilibration principle, media/ air partition coefficients of volatile substances were measured using a series of equilibration and reference bottles and headspace gas chromatography technique. [方法]运用物质相平衡的原理,利用一组平衡瓶和一组平衡参照瓶及顶空气相色谱技术,检测挥发性物质培养基/气的分配系数。
Scaled Particle Theory-Inquire into the Capacity Factor in Gas-Liquid Partition Chromatography 定标粒子理论对气-液分配色谱容量因子的探讨
The Relation between the Partition Coefficient and the Concentration of Exchanged Ion in IonExchange Chromatography 离子交换色谱中分配系数与交换离子浓度关系的研究
Study on the influence of the nonlinear of the partition isotherm on the elution curves of the chromatography by using computer simulation 用计算机模拟方法讨论分配等温线的非线性对流出曲线的影响
Determination of two components of compound sulfamethoxazole by ion-pair partition chromatography 离子对分配色谱法测定复方磺胺甲恶唑片中两组分的含量
High purity 111 In is obtained by reversed phase partition chromatography from an irradiated cadmium target with HDEHP extractive eluting resin. 用自制的HDEHP萃淋树脂研究并建立了从辐照过的Cd靶中分离111In的方法。
Reversed-phase liquid partition chromatography with 1-heptane sulfonic acid sodium in mobile phase which is made up of methanl: water ( 8: 2) is utilized for baseline separation of the three compounds. 以庚烷磺酸钠为离子对试剂,甲醇∶水2∶8(1%冰乙酸)为流动相。
Measurement of Oil-Water Partition Coefficients by Improved Microemulsion Electrokinetic Chromatography 微乳液电动色谱测定油-水分配系数的改进方法研究
Determination of partition coefficient by high-pressure liquid chromatography ⅲ. the comparision of determination of partition coefficient using different kinds of bonded octadecylsilane support 高压液相层析法测定分配系数&Ⅲ.不同类型键合填充剂测分配系数的比较
Multilayer coil planet centrifuge, also called high-speed countercurrent chromatography ( HSCCC), is a new type of liquid-liquid partition chromatography. 多层螺旋管行星式离心仪又称高速逆流色谱仪,是一种新型的液液分配色谱技术。